Quick Guide to read your own Oracles – Best time of the day!

quick guide to reading your own oracles

The best time of the day is really when it’s most convenient for you and you have a spare 10 or so minutes of quiet time to read and reflect on the messages from the card or cards. My favourite and an ideal time for reading your own oracles is in the morning after breakfast.

I usually sit outside on my patio out the back with my cats, or I head out to one of the many cafe’s in my local area, or a new cafe, if we’re travelling. Wherever I am, I start my day with breakfast then a coffee and oracle and/or tarot cards. I relish the quiet time in reflection on my own and take the time to read the cards and also notice the oracles in my surroundings.

I really like being on my own in crowds of people and noise, or sometimes in the quiet, either is fine. Being on my own outside helps me focus and connect with my inner self, with nature and the wider universe to tune into the oracle or tarot messages for myself and others.

Guidance from the Oracles and old myths

I find the oracle (and tarot) cards a valuable source of guidance. They offer me daily guidance, inspiration and answers to my questions. They to confirm my own intuition or thoughts about a subject or offer insight into anything that I may have overlooked or can’t see due to my own subjective point of view.

The cards simply offer information,Β they’re not afraid to give me the truth and their message isn’t coloured by any experiences, judgements, insecurities, assumptions or biases.Β There are lots of negative myths about oracle (and especially Tarot cards) but these are based on subjective view points and aren’t based around any evidence that the cards are evil or from the devil. The cards are neither good nor evil, they’re just words and pictures and it’s the user or receiver who adds the energy of ‘good or evil’ to them.

The oracle and tarot cards provide a picture, symbol and a message that anyone can gain direct, unbiased and accurate insight and guidance from. I tend to trust the first message the cards offer me and see the information as it comes out directly, rather than read into it too much, as that’s when bias and assumptions can sneak in.

My favourite oracle and tarot cards to use

I have so many oracle and tarot cards to choose from. You can view some of my collection here. I love having a variety of decks to choose from and I find different decks helpful or inspiring for different occasions, days or questions.

Here are some of my favourite decks to use and a little bit about their purpose.

Quick guide to reading your own oracles6

My all time favourite deck for daily inspiration is the Crystal Mandala deck by Alana Fairchild, Blue Angel Publishing.

It’s a beautiful deck with gorgeous images and messages from crystals, angels and goddesses intertwined. Such inspiring messages I gain each time I read from this deck.

Quick guide to reading your own oracles

My favourite tarot deck is my latest one – Art Nouveau Tarot that I brought from the Emporium and Bookshop at 93 Redcliffe Parade in Redcliffe.

I love using this tarot deck as it has beautiful artwork and imagery, and many people who I read for are able to easily gain their own interpretations from seeing the cards.

Quick guide to reading your own oracles

My go to deck when I’m seeking support and guidance from the animals or other allies is the Shapeshifter Oracle by Lucy Cavendish.

This is a beautiful deck with gorgeous images and lovely messages to read that are always spot on for my needs at the time of the reading.

Picking your own oracle or Tarot deck/s to use

Quick guide to reading your own oracles

When I first started choosing decks, my choices were based on getting a deck to answer particular questions, usually relationship questions.

I also chose based on how I felt when I picked up a deck, along with my preferences for the design, colours and illustrations/images on the cards.

I was, and still am, influenced by who I really admire and look up to, such as Alana Fairchild, Lucy Cavendish and Louise Hay. Colette Baron-Reid also has beautiful decks to choose from. Price also used to be a big factor, as when I first started a collection of them, I was a single parent living on a limited income bringing up my young daughter. So I’d buy what I could afford at the time I was looking. Now I just buy based on my need and my liking of the actual deck.

Take your time to choose new decks based on your own preferences, particular needs from having a deck and how you feel when you hold the deck in your hands. Read any reviews and look for images in Google of a deck your interested in to see if there’s any you can view, or check youtube for any unboxing videos of ones you’re interested in buying, especially if you’re buying decks online.

There’s so many to choose from online and in bookstores, so do your own research to find the perfect deck for your particular needs. Dymocks and QBD tend to have a few to choose from and I buy most of mine from www.bookdepository.com now as they have free postage and are very reliable, plus I don’t mind waiting for the ones that come from overseas.

Click to access ideas for decks to use

For ideas of great decks, have a look at my own collection here. I’ve divided them into categories to find one that interests you easily.

Feel free to message me by clicking here or using the widget below for more info about a particular one that takes your fancy, happy to assist.

How to pick a daily oracle or Tarot card

When I ask for messages from the oracles, there’s a few things that I always do to ensure the messages are accurate and clear and from the highest good.

If I’m using oracle or tarot cards to ask for messages, I first hold the deck to my heart and imagine the cards are covered in a bright pink heart of love and I take a deep breath.

I ask for all messages to come from divine love and thank the cards. I then ask my guardian angel, Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel to provide clear and accurate messages from the highest law of one.

Quick guide to reading your own oracles

Asking the oracles different questions

Quick guide to reading your own oracles

I choose cards to answer questions, gain insight into any issues, check in with myself about how I’m traveling, ask if I’m headed in the right direction regarding a particular dream or desire or insight into any perceived blocks or barriers. I also ask about different choices I’m making or about relationships.

A questions that I ask the oracle cards a lot is: β€˜What do the oracle cards want me to know today?’  I learnt this question when I did the Oracle Academy Foundations course. I’ve found it a really helpful question when using oracle cards and the cards really respond to it, giving really insightful and relevant information.

There are so many different ways of using the cards and different spreads to offer information depending on your question and what you want to know.

I’ve found it a good idea NOT to continue asking the same question over and over as the card you pick out first usually has your answer that you need to know at the time and it’s a good idea to pick another card in a week or so, if you’d like to ask the same question again. I’ve found if I or another person keeps asking a similar type of question, the answers become unreliable and ‘muddy’. So if you’re not happy after the second time asking the question, wait and ask the cards again in another week or two.

Remember too, that you can change your mind and choose a different path if you don’t like the advice from the cards. The cards show possibilities and the future isn’t set in stone, even stuff that’s fated (when the wheel of fortune shows up this is a good indicator of this) for you in this lifetime, you still get a say in how you create or steer your fate, or you can just choose to accept a certain path. We have free will, so it’s up to you.

Click to learn the best way to phrase your questions

The best ways to frame your questions are to start with –

Oracle cards, please give me more information about… (eg. my day ahead, my relationship with (person’s name), my future, my new job, my new house, my friendship with (person’s name) etc)


Oracle cards, can I be sure that…(eg. I am headed in the right direction, this relationship is good for me, all will go well at work today, this is the best job for me to apply for, my relationship with (person’s name) will work out or have a future etc).

If you’re unsure how to frame a particular question the best tip is to keep it general for the most valuable information from the oracles. Oracles don’t tend to answer yes or no questions, however some oracles like the Radleigh Valentine Angel Answers can offer some direct guidance for outcome questions.

Choosing your card/s

I then shuffle the pack or lay the cards out flat.

I either choose a card at random or pick one from the top for my day.

Quick guide to reading your own oracles
Quick guide to reading your own oracles

With my chosen card, I notice the images, text on the card, symbols, colours that stand out straight away, plus any immediate messages that come in my head while looking at the card.

This could be images, words, stories, faces in my head or feelings in my heart.

I also notice any animals or birds or insects that cross my path while looking at the card also and if I want to know the spiritual meaning I’ll have a look in google or a textbook on this.

I don’t discount anything that comes up for me at the time of reading the card and take a few minutes or so to reflect in silence.

Quick guide to reading your own oracles

Make notes of your reflections

Quick guide to reading your own oracles

I often make a record of it in a journal or my phone notes to remember any significant messages for later.

Once I feel like I’ve received your oracle messages I need, I always thank the cards again, the angels and the universe and put the cards away.

If I feel like I need to I put a clear or smoky quartz crystal to cleanse the cards or imagine white light going through the cards before putting them away.

Easy Quick Glimpse Spread

This email reading is great when you just need some quick guidance about your future and what step you can take right now.

Quick guide to reading your own oracles

It’s such a quick easy spread and I use it on a regular basis to get quick insight into where a decision will lead me or of an outcome I’m wondering about.

For example: when I’ve gone for promotions at work or whether to make a purchase. Usually when I have a few choices and are unsure what to do then I’ll do this spread and ask for information about each particular choice and see the possible outcome information of each decision.

Click on the image to order from my oracle and Tarot reading shop

Manifest with Nature reading

A 10 card spread you can use with your own oracle and tarot cards to gain guidance and support to manifest your goals and dreams is the Manifest with Nature reading. Nature can support and assist you in manifesting your true desires and goals.

Quick guide to reading your own oracles

This reading can offer valuable insight into what can support you towards the manifestation your goals and dreams. The reading spread is in the shape of a flower to represent the blooming of your goals and dreams into reality.

The spread offers guidance and insight to support the manifestation of your goals and dreams.

Give it a go soon and feel free to share with me your own Manifest with Nature reading card spreads.

You can also order this reading from my Oracle and Tarot reading shop by clicking on the picture.

Gain your own messages from the oracles today

The information that I've provided here is designed to start you off. Click to learn more about developing your own pratice with the cards.

Feel Inspired by the Oracles

There are so many ways to use oracle and tarot cards in daily life for guidance and inspiration and it works best when you find a way that works for and feels right for you once you’ve explored a few different ways.

The information here is meant to be a guide to inspire you on your own journey of truth. I hope you gained something to support your own journey with oracles in this blog.

Reading your own oracles takes time, practice and trust. Take your time and enjoy the process.

Save the image below to use to support you to read your own oracles.

In conclusion…

If you would like to know more about spreads you can ask for particular questions, how to phrase questions or my suggestion of a deck to suit your particular needs, feel free to message me on my contact page and I’ll be happy to assist you.

Thanks for reading my blog and I hope it’s been helpful to support your own journey with reading your own oracles.

Love and Blessings.


Founder/Oracle and Tarot reader