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Wild Earth Oracle cards
Wild Earth Oracle cards

What a wonderful time for new growth, opportunities, and wonder!

The energy of spring is in your life! It’s a time of new beginnings, new growth and fertility for new endeavours and projects. Spring is a wonderful time of year! After the coldness of winter, everything starts to bloom, flower, and grow again. It’s like the beginning of a wonderful new day in your life; there’s new potential to create beautiful and wondrous things. You’ll also notice a lift in your energy and maybe a bounce in your step! If you can step outside into the sunshine – walk on the green grass, hug a tree, pick a flower, and embrace the wonder of this new day! It’s the perfect time to start new projects, jobs, relationships, romance or to go on a holiday somewhere warm!
This card can also be a sign that your dream will manifest during Springtime.

To connect with the energy of Spring, breathe in the colour Green and call upon beautiful Goddess Ostara. Pick or buy a bunch of beautiful flowers and have them in your house or at your workplace, or even just stop to smell the flowers today.

About Wild Earth Oracle cards

Wild Earth Oracle cards invite you to connect with our beautiful wild earth and your true self. Each card features a daily life theme, with an associated image of our wild earth and the name of the angel, archangel, god or goddess who you can call upon for support in this area.

Every card’s written message finishes with breathing in the relevant chakra colour, invoking higher support and the crystal or element to further assist you. All messages come from a place of love and support for all living beings on planet earth.

How to ask a question of the Wild Earth Oracle cards?

Ask as many questions as you like. Think of a question in your head, say it out loud or write it down before choosing a card from the deck below. Or you can ask the cards for general or daily guidance.

To shuffle the cards, click the small icon on the left below the cards.

When you’re ready to see your message, click on the link on the right (next to the shuffle icon) or click on the card. To view the card’s written message, click on the card again. Repeat the process to pick another card. Enjoy!

Wild Earth Oracle in print – 2nd Edition

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